Monday, July 6, 2009

Bella progress

Bella has a little skin now! And its beautiful! I love the orange highlights that she has in her hair, and got to fill in a bit of one. She is really bright IRL. She is going to be really beautiful I think. :)

I ordered Sheriella (also by Hannah Disney) during the 4th of July sale at HAED. And I plan to start her asap..that will make 3 Disney mermaids going and if Misty Morning were to get released, that will make 4, LOL! For now I will continue with Bella, but Valarie is starting to call out so I am not sure for how long. And I keep thinking it would be a good idea to finish Blue Beard Princess before my Meddy Mermaid fabric comes in, and I could easy if I just spent the time with her. I don't really like finish something, I prefer having them as a wip. Weird, I know. ;)


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