I am totally immersed in my HAED wips! I have 2 going, and will soon add another. So here are some pics of them...
First up, because she is the focus piece, Bioluminescence

She is easy to work on so far. Mostly navy blue, lol! And I am getting into the first jellyfish a little. I am working to get all but the most prominent color done so I can fill it in "mindlessly". She is the biggest HEAD I have, which is funny because I have another that looks like it ought to be the biggest. lol
I got my fisrt Rak a few days ago, and its Beauty and the Beasts QS by Selena Fenech. I started immediately, and here is my progress:

My newest gift that I got last night is Happy Ever After by Yvonne Gilbert. I am working on kitting it up. I had all but 32 of the colors (there are 89) and I need fabric. I will be working this one on 22ct one over one.

I am also working on European Bistro by Dimensions:

I love this design but it will be somewhat neglected. But I am never in a hurry to finish these. The fun is in the stitching part, imo. I am not going to take on any new ones until I finish something though, lol.
I am working on babies but have no pics to share right now. I need one for ebay, one for a b-day gift and one more for a sweet friend who has been so kind to me. :)